Image processing in Cloudflare Workers with WebAssembly

I was looking for an alternative to Sharp since it does not work on Cloudflare Workers as it uses Node.js APIs which are not yet supported by Cloudflare’s workerd runtime. Then I came across Photon, a high-performance Rust image processing library, which compiles to WebAssembly. Photon offers a variety of functions for resizing, transforming, watermarking, and more.

To use it on Cloudflare Workers, we can simply use @cf-wasm/photon.


Create a Typescript Workers project and install the @cf-wasm/photon npm package.

npm create cloudflare@latest -- cf-workers-photon
cd cf-workers-photon
npm i @cf-wasm/photon

Now we shall modify the src/index.ts file.

import { PhotonImage, SamplingFilter, resize } from "@cf-wasm/photon";

export default {
  async fetch() {
    // url of image to fetch
    const imageUrl = "";

    // fetch image and get the Uint8Array instance
    const inputBytes = await fetch(imageUrl)
      .then((res) => res.arrayBuffer())
      .then((buffer) => new Uint8Array(buffer));

    // create a PhotonImage instance
    const inputImage = PhotonImage.new_from_byteslice(inputBytes);

    // resize image using photon
    const outputImage = resize(
      inputImage.get_width() * 0.5,
      inputImage.get_height() * 0.5,

    // get webp bytes
    const outputBytes = outputImage.get_bytes_webp();

    // for other formats
    // png  : outputImage.get_bytes();
    // jpeg : outputImage.get_bytes_jpeg(quality);

    // call free() method to free memory;;

    // return the Response instance
    return new Response(outputBytes, {
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "image/webp"
} satisfies ExportedHandler;

The above code snippet fetches an image, creates a PhotonImage instance from image bytes and then resize it using resize function.

Run the following command to start the dev server: npm run dev.

To try it out, open the url: http://localhost:8787

This is a very simple example, there are many things you can do using the functions exported by photon. Try it out in your projects.

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Dev Kumar
Dev Kumar

Dev Kumar is a tech enthusiast and content creator specializing in coding tutorials and technical guides. As a key contributor to, he shares insights and hands-on tutorials aimed at helping users enhance their coding skills and navigate the tech landscape.

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